
More Totally Gross Weight Loss

Did you figure out what those pictures were I showed? Here they are again..

Those are pictures of plaque from someone's intestines. They had built up over time inside of a person's body and were finally flushed out of their system.

It turns out that most of us have several POUNDS of this gunk inside our bodies. It slowly builds up over time, collecting on the walls of our intestines and colon.

And don't think that plaque isn't hurting us! No way. It secretes into our blood stream and causes all kinds of nastiness.

Bloating. Weight gain. Fatigue.

What causes this is all the toxins, junk and crap we take into our body through fast food, not enough water, garbage and so forth.

Also, much of the plaque in our system is the result of parasites. Sure, we think about parasites and images of third world countries and contaminated water supplies come to mind.

But parasites everywhere in our food chain and can get into our bodies no matter where we live.

So what can you do?

Wait and see..

Look at that nasty picture again. That may be inside of you right now.


Totally Gross Weight Loss

We have all heard about this weight loss plan or that one. Each of these diet plans stresses "eat this kind of food" or "do this type of training" or "drink this special beverage" and so on.

While searching for a weight loss plan for my wife and I, I came across a new weight loss plan which is.. well pretty gross. Here, you take a look at these pictures and tell me if you don't want to hurl or not..

Nasty, huh? But this is from a real weight loss product which I will tell you about shortly.

Nasty. Glad I am not about to eat lunch...

More to come...